What you can do with the Customer Care App

Report a problem

You can log any type of problem or query to the Municipality and track how your query or problem is being handled and whether it has been resolved (You will automatically be notified when it has been resolved).

View your Municipal Account

You can view your Municipal Account for the last 12 months and log a query if you are not happy with any of your accounts. You can track your query and you will automatically be notified when it has been resolved.

View Water & Electricity Consumption

You can view your Water and Electricity Consumption and Meter Readings for the last 12 months and log a query if you are not happy with any of your Meter Reading. You can track your query and you will automatically be notified when it has been resolved.

Submit your own Meter Readings

You can submit your own Water and Electricity Meter Readings directly to the Municipality

Update your Account Details

You can update your contact details, physical address and billing address

Contact Ward Councillors

You can automatically log a query or problem directly to a Ward Councillor and track how your query or problem is being handled and whether it has been resolved (You will automatically be notified when it has been resolved)

Local News, Notifications & Events

You will receive an automatic notification whenever the Municipality publishes any News, Important Notices or Notifications of Upcoming Events. You can choose whether you want to receive these notifications or not.

View Property Values

You can view your Property Value as well the history of your Valuations. You can object to your Property Value if you disagree with it. You can track your objection and you will automatically be notified when it has been resolved.

Monitor Municipal Performance

Track how we're doing. See what complaints have been logged in your area and how quickly we have attended to them.

Help us stay in touch with your needs

We are trying to keep up to date with our customer's needs so we want to hear from you. To do this we implement questionnaires to find out more about you, what your needs are and how you think we can improve.

Kouga Customer Care App